Wednesday, June 12, 2013

SQL Error: no process is on the other end of the pipe

If you get this error "no process is on the other end of the pipe" when you want to login to sql server management studio, just go to:
START -> ALL Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server (Version ) -> Configuration Tools -> SQL Server Configuration Manager 
from SQL Server Network Configuration, just enable Named Pipe protocol as the following picture:

then, restart your SQL Server Services and it will work.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

How to install Anslysis Service, Tabular Mode

During the installation of SQL Server 2012, there is step to select your Analysis service mode. you can only select one of those modes, Tabular or Multidimensional mode, in specific SQL Server instance.

Note that, Tabular mode is not available in other SQL Server versions. Its only in 2012.

You can create new instance of SQL Server to install Analysis Service, Tabular Mode:

Enjoy Analyzing.

SSAS Tabular Mode Error: The Workspace Database Server 'localhost' Is Not Running In Tabular Mode

when you try to create new tabular model or multidimensional model using SSDT. You may face this error:
"the workspace database server 'localhost' is not running in tabular mode" when you try to connect to local host analysis server.

to solve this error, make sure you already install analysis service + make sure to connect with correct workspace server, if its not 'localhost'. Final solution, try to connect with localhost\SqlServerInstanceName because analysis service takes default sql instance name in installation step.